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President's Message

CSVS President Message 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Happy New Year to all of you! As we finish up with the holiday period and we look forward to a hopefully not too cold and snow filled winter, your CSVS executive has been hard at work.

We are very excited for the launch of the first CSVS Winter Meeting to be held in Whistler BC. The winter vascular meeting picks up a long tradition of Canadian vascular surgeons gathering to discuss the practical application of scientific discovery and innovation in the real-world care of our patients. The focus of the meeting is to share experiences in caring for patients suffering from difficult problems. Thank you to the planning committee: Drs. John Harlock, Ivica Vucemilo, Benoît Carter, Andrew Dueck, Jason Bayne and Kirk Lawlor. It’s not too late to register and save your spot. Visit the winter meeting website for more information.

We are very excited for the Annual Meeting on Vascular Surgery that will take place in St. John’s, NL September 13-14, 2024. The program chair, Dr. Laura Drudi, assistant program chair Dr. Gary Yang, and local arrangements chair, Dr. Paul Heneghan, have already been busy outlining what will be a great meeting. This will be our first time back to St. John’s, in 13 years and we are very much looking forward to it given the huge success that was the last meeting there. Our guest speaker this year is Dr. Dawn M. Coleman, Professor of Surgery, and Division Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Duke University Medical Center. She is an accomplished vascular surgeon with a breadth of interests ranging from pediatric vascular surgery to burn out and physician wellness. She is always an engaging and insightful speaker, and we look forward to her participation at our meeting!

Abstract submissions for the meeting are now being accepted and the deadline is April 3, 2024. We are pleased to offer again this year a range of awards, including our prestigious Resident Research Award which is awarded for the best resident research proposal and includes an in-person competition during our annual meeting between the top 3 finalists. In addition to this we continue to offer the Young Investigator Award, and the Clinical Investigator Award for our members and multiple National Student Research Awards and Benoit Cartier Travel Grants for the undergraduate students. In addition, Sigvaris have been very kind in reorganizing their award into a new award for Quality Improvement based research. I encourage all who qualify to apply; the deadline is April 3, 2024. Information regarding the abstract submission, awards and grants can be found on the CSVS annual meeting website.

The National Journal Club initiative was a huge success in past and we therefore are planning to relaunch this initiative in the next few months. We will be sending around an email with the date and time for the next event, stay tuned! There was an excellent turnout at our last event in October 2022. If your center is interested in hosting one, please reach out to us to coordinate.

The guidelines committee, under the leadership of Dr. Varun Kapila, submitted the article One-time screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm in Ontario, Canada: a model-based cost-utility analysis and it was recently approved for publication in CMAJ on February 5, 2024. Special thanks to Dr. Charles de Mestral and Dr. Thomas F. Lindsay who were integral in the work. CMAJ 2024 February 5; 196:E112­20. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.230913.

Dr. Derek Roberts, Research Chair, is moving forward with plans for a Delphi consensus project and will elaborate more at his next research interest group meeting. Details will be published in an upcoming email.

And finally, while we have decided not to formally launch a Canadian Journal of Vascular Surgery, we remain committed to working with the Journal of Vascular Surgery to find a way to increase and focus on Canadian Specific Vascular Surgery issues. I want to thank Dr. Luc Dubois for his tireless effort in launching this initiative and seeing it through.

Wishing you a safe and prosperous 2024.


Heather Gill, MDCM MPH FRCSC
CSVS President 

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